Brief review of Scrimba's intro to learning Javascript

Brief review of Scrimba's intro to learning Javascript

And why it might be a good idea to start your Javascript learning journey with them

Since April 2021 I have been slowly learning to code. I first started learning data structures and algorithms in Python (which I will write about in a separate post). After a (very productive and rewarding) detour in the second half of 2021 to learn about smart contracts I soon realized that I really needed to start at the beginning with a strong foundation in Javascript.

Thanks to buildspace 🦄 I found about Scrimba... and I must say it is hard not to be more excited about a course than Scrimba. Their approach is to not assume any previous knowledge, building up the difficulty gradually—I quickly became "addicted" to learning Javascript which is exactly what I wanted. Needless to say, I super highly recommend it if you want to get started learning Javascript. And just after completing the introductory course ("Learn Javascript for free") I promise you that you will feel that you have gained a superpower. ⚡

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This idea of a "superpower" really hit home for me at the end of the 7-hour intro course when Scrimba trainer (co-founder/CEO) Per Harald Borgen wrapped things up with a thought experiment:

If weeks ago I had asked an experienced dev about tips on creating my own Chrome extension and they threw back these ideas at me I would have probably freaked out:

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However, thanks to the great flow I have detailed knowledge on all of the above and how they work together to create a real-world, functional Chrome extension (which I'm proud of!)

Again, I'm still early in my learning process but excited to keep learning! 🚀